Entering Another Decade


I turned the big 3-0 last Thursday.

My uncle told me, “You’re old!”

I feel different. Older. My twenties flew by, and even 29 feels like years ago!

I haven’t accomplished my main goal of moving out of my parents’ house, but it’ll happen in this decade.

Another big goal is that I want to travel more, and what spurred this was when my friend took me out to dinner Friday. I mentioned that we should plan a trip to New York and all she said was, “It’s expensive!” When I brought up that my cousin was going to New Zealand and Bali she said the same thing.

All of my friends travel, and I envy them.

But I figured that you only live once, and travel is easy to do. That’s why travel sites like Expedia and Priceline exist, to make traversing the globe cheaper.

Are you a traveler? Where have you gone?

And what important lessons will I learn in my 30s?